Systems of Systems Engineer

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Webseite BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH

  • You are responsible to define, structure and implement the software-, electrical- and mechanical-interfaces of our autonomous driving vehicles, digital printing units and corrugating machines, as well as the interfacing customer subsystems
  • Based on your technical expertise and your understanding of the box plant process, you define system functions and their related modules
  • In addition, your area of responsibility includes the consolidation of business and customer requirements into a consistent and verifiable system specification
  • You develop and synchronize the overall system architecture consisting of mechanics, electronic and control software in high quality, mature for Industry 4.0 and conform to RAMI 4.0 (communication, GUI, advisors, etc.)
  • Within the framework of specification and architecture, you implement value-enhancing and risk-mitigating technical measures


  • You have successfully completed your university education in engineering, physics, computer science, communication/electrical engineering
  • Several years of professional experience in systems modeling and requirements engineering and you are familiar with tools and methods like SysML or UML modeling with Enterprise Architect, functional decomposition, signal, stock and energy flow descriptions, etc
  • In addition, you have comprehensive knowledge in at least two of the following disciplines: SysML/UML modeling and (software) architecture definitions, machine control and PLCs (Siemens/Beckhoff,B&R,BoschRexroth), process automation, SCADA and MES systems, robotics, autonomous driving vehicles and communication protocols
  • Ideally, you have a systems-engineering certification
  • You have a successful project management track record in product development projects enabled by strong communication and negotiation skills
  • Analytical thinking, self-confident manner and very good command of English complete your profile

Wir bieten:
Wir bieten eine Unterkunft an: nein
Beginn der Beschäftigung: ab sofort

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    Fähigkeiten und Stärken:

    OrganisationsfähigkeitPräsentationsfähigkeitTeamfähigkeitKommunikationsfähigkeitEigeninitiativeEntscheidungsfähigkeitFlexibilitätKreativitätRäumliches und Logisches DenkenEinfühlungsvermögen

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    CV (PDF, 5MB)

    Zeugnisse (PDF, 5MB)

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